
Sense of Life

People live and people die
People laugh and people cry
People love and people hate
For someone’s luck or someone’s fate
They’ll become a husband or a wife
And sometimes everybody asks himself

What’s the sense of life?
What’s the sense of life?

I lay in the sun, walk through the rain
Feel a lot of joy and pain
Satisfied or sad
Sometimes cool and sometimes mad
Want to kiss somebody or stab him with a knife
And sometimes I ask myself

What’s the sense of life?
What’s the sense of life?

But I can’t explain it to you
Cause I don’t know it, too
I can only say
Make the best of every day
Cause suddenly your life is over
And then you realize that you don’t have

Really lived your life
Really lived your life, oh no

I live my life
I live my life
Till the day I die
Till the day I die
The day I die
The day I die

web-design: .rhavin;-) web-host: q-pool of